Resume Preparation
Resume preparation is a self-advertisement that, when done properly, shows how your skills, experience, and achievements match the requirements of the job you want. This guide provides three free samples on which you can base your resume. It will also walk you through setting up and laying out the content to highlight your skills and grab the reader’s attention.
Tips on Creating a Professional Resume
Resume Preparation
Select the best resume type:
- There are several basic types of resumes used to apply for job openings.
- Depending on your personal circumstances, choose a chronological, functional, combination, or targeted Taking the time to choose the best type of resume for your situation is well worth the effort.
Make it legible:
- Your resume should be easy to read. You want the hiring manager to easily read and absorb your work history and accomplishments.
- Therefore, use a legible font(such as Times New Roman, Arial, or Calibri). Make sure the font is not too big or too small (choose a size between 10 and 12).
- Also be sure that there is enough white space on the page to make it easy to scan. Avoid dense blocks of text, and use standard margins. Use white- or cream-colored paper if you are sending a physical resume – colored paper can be very distracting.
Be consistent:
- Professional resumes need to have consistent formatting.
- For instance, if you use bullet points to describe your responsibilities and achievements at one position, be sure to use bullet points on all other positions as well.
- Also, make certain that the bullet points are formatted the same way throughout. For example, don’t use circle bullet points in one section, and diamond bullet points in another section.
- Be consistent with font, font size, and style (such as use of bold and italics).
Keep it focused:
It’s important not to include extraneous information. Your resume should focus on the skills and attributes that qualify you for the job. Here are the top 15 things not to include on your resume.
Use resume examples and templates:
- Use a resume example or template to help you write your resume.
- An example can help you decide what information to include. Templates can help you format your resume.
- However, whenever you use a resume example or template, be sure to customize your resume, so it reflects your skills and abilities, and the jobs you are applying for.
Get creative:
- If you are in a creative field, you might use a free resume website to build a creative resume that includes all the facets of a traditional resume, with add-ons like video, infographics, and links to your accomplishments.
- However, only do this if you are in a creative industry. Otherwise, stick to a traditional resume.
Carefully edit your resume:
Spelling and grammar errors can make an applicant seem inattentive to details. Review these proofing guidelines to ensure that your resume is consistent and error free.
Get resume help:
- Writing a resume is hard work and it’s important to get help, or at least have your resume reviewed, before you send it to employers.
- Consider using a career counselor or other professional resume service to help you make sure your resume is professional and polished.
Check your resume:
This resume checklist includes the information you need to include in your resume. Use the checklist to make sure you have included all relevant information in your resume.